Welcome to The Chapel! Whether gathering on a Sunday morning, meeting with our mid-week "Life Groups," or serving alongside our city, we seek to be a church community rooted deeply in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (see "our beliefs" and "core values"). Our heart is that everyone in the church would hear and respond to the Gospel- and we believe part of that response includes getting plugged into the local church. Here are a few of the many ways you can get connected in our church:

Sunday Morning Worship

We gather on Sunday mornings, 10:30 AM at Oak Hall School for our main worship service. Our service  includes time of corporate singing and hearing from God's Word. Specifically, our church is committed to expository Bible teaching and preaching. This means that the sermons are typically based on studying books of the Bible verse by verse and paragraph by paragraph. 

We offer three Sunday School classes at 9:00 AM for kids, middle and high schoolers, and adults.

  • 9:00 AM Sunday School
  • 10:00 AM-10:30 AM a time for our church to fellowship before the worship service
  • 10:30 AM Worship Service (Nursery, ages 0-4 and Children’s Church, K4-5th grades)

The K4-5th graders begin with their parents in the worship service and are dismissed part way through the service.


Life Groups

Outside of our Sunday morning worship service our mid week "Life Groups" are the best way to get plugged into the life of our church. We have several groups that meet throughout the week and it's an opportunity for you to spend time in scripture, prayer, serving the community, and essentially share life together in a Gospel Community. These groups vary in age and meet at different times (and some even share a meal together). Please contact Pastor Brad if you would like more information on joining one of our Life Groups. 

Serve in a Ministry

Our church has many other ministry opportunities for you to participate in that our displayed throughout this website (precept Bible studies, women's & men's ministry, youth group, prison ministry and several other venues to serve our community). Contact us if you have any questions.